Avalar un egoísmo mutilado
Dos pasos y el tercero a la deriva
los bolsillos vacíos y las penas con pena!
las respuestas, son acertadas?
balaceras bucólicas!
siempre se guardan los silencios!
¿por qué somos tan necios?
15 de Agosto, 2011 - Stgo. de Chile
Hace 13 años.
1 comentario:
Sometimes I think there is no real reason to have a blog. I mean, who really cares what I write? All I see is my counter going up, leaving traces of some anonymous visits. It has been even a couple of months since the last time I received a comment, which means even my most compassionate visitors have left me talking alone...
Nonetheless, I find sometimes relief in the things I write. Some people go to church and talk to the priest behind a net; some others go to a bar, get drunk and talk to strangers. Perhaps I am too skeptic for the first and too serious for the second. So what I do is to drop words in a virtual container, hoping that some day they kind of hit a jackpot, or something like that.
Are you familiar with this situation? Who are you droping this words to?
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