The perfect silence is between your smile and my favorite song...
the perfect silence is coming with a lot of words,
with a lot of kisses, with a lot of wishes...
the perfect silence is not a love song,
but is a nice soundtrack for our time,
for our tears,
for our fears...
the perfect silence is high,
like the trees, this trees around my room,
around my place,
around my name...
the perfect silence is huge,
is happy, is every time better...
the perfect silence is here,
with us, in my voice,
in your language,
in our balance, in our soul....
Just wait a minute...
don't go ... don't sleep...
just stay there, where you are...
just stay there, I'll be with you...
always in a perfect silence...
with my smile,
with my eyes...
just loving you...
loving you through my perfect silence!!!!
15 de Agosto, 2011 - Stgo. de Chile
Hace 13 años.