Hey stranger!
Your name in the wind doesn't hear so good...
come to swim next to me,
come to me stranger silence!
let's go to swim again,
let's go between the blue days pages,
come with me to change the bad wind for butterflies,
let's go to fly, to breath, to live..
I don't have time to put my soul in the dryer machine,
I don't have to survive good byes!
Let's go to burn the time,
to put our memory in the fireplace and look how
everything become nothing...
Come on... come with me to trap the space,
to clear the time away!
let's go for the last stupid kiss,
I thing it was lost somewhere in a traffic ligth,
in the machine number 26 in the Central Station,
in the third sugar cube...
Come with me to swim again,
before this city change our wrong way!
Learn the equinox, learn those mondays,
come to stop my lost time, and stay next to me.
Let you die one day,
that other day I'll come to revive you,
to wake up your dementia,
to sleep you with frozen kisses...
Learn again all the steps..
I told you: the dance of life never ends,
I told you already: this game is eternal
I told you: this game is not my favorite, but I can play!
Let the sleep behind you...
learn right now just one thing:
The time is not the antiseptical way to recover past damages!
Just: Ignore the smoke and smile!
15 de Agosto, 2011 - Stgo. de Chile
Hace 13 años.
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